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Perbaikan efisiensi ransum sapi perah yang diberi hasil samping wortel sebagai pengganti rumput lapangan (improvement of feed efficiency of dairy cows given carrot byproducts as substitution for native grass)

Perbaikan efisiensi ransum sapi perah yang diberi hasil samping wortel sebagai pengganti rumput lapangan (improvement of feed efficiency of dairy cows given carrot byproducts as substitution for native grass)
U. H. Tanuwiria, A. Rohana, Mansyur, L. Budimulyati
Unpad, Buletin ilmu peternakan dan perikanan Volume XIII(2), Juli 2009
Unpad, Buletin ilmu peternakan dan perikanan Volume XIII(2), Juli 2009
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Sapi perah Fries Holstein (FH) dan turunannya secara genetik memiliki potensi produksi yang cukup tinggi, namun kenyataan di lapangan rataan produksi susu harian setiap ekor sapi berkisar antara 10 dan 15 liter, masih jauh dari potensi genetiknya. Adanya variasi produksi susu diantaranya diduga oleh ketidakcukupan pasokan nutrien atau sering berfluktuasinya jenis pakan yang diberikan. Penelitian bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh pemberian Iimbah wortel sebagai pengganti rumput lapangan dalam ransum terhadap produksi dan kualitas susu sapi perah, Percobaan dilakukan terhadap 20 ekor sapi perah FH laktasi periode ketiga dan rataan bobot badan 410,5 kg yang diberi empat macam ransum perlakuan dalam lima ulangan. Perlakuan berupa R9 (66% Rumput lapangan + 34% konsentrat), R1 (60% Rumput lapangan + 40% konsentrat), R2 (33% Rumput lapangan + 33% daun wortel + 34% konsentrat), dan R3 (33% Rumput lapangan + 16,5% daun wortel + 16,5% umbi wortel + 34% konsentrat) semua disusun berdasarkan bahan kering 100%. Peubah yang diamati adalah produksi dan kualitas susu sapi perah. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa subtitusi 50% rurnput lapangan oleh limbah wortel dalam ransum meningkatkan efisiensi ransum, produksi susu 4% FCM dan kualitas susu.

Genetically, Fries Holstein (FH) dairy cow and its cross have high potency for milk yield, however in the field the yield in average is 10-15 liter per day, much less compared to her genetic potential. lt is suspected that one factor contributed to this problem is lack of nutrient intake or quality variation of ration given. The objective of this research was to examine the substitution of carrot waste to native grass in ration and its effect on production and milk quality of FH cows. The experiment was conducted according to completely randomized block design with four treatments five replications for each treatment. The treatments were Ru (66% native grass + 34% concentrate), R1 (60% native grass + 40% concentrate), R2 (33% native grass + 33% carrot leaves + 34% concentrate), and Ra (33% native grass + 16.5% carrot leaves + 16.5% carrot tuber + 34% concentrate), based on dry matter content. The results suggested that the substitution of carrot waste to native grass increased feed efficiency, milk production 4% FCM, and milk quality.

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