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Strategi Perbankan Pasca Pengakhiran Kerjasama Dengan IMF

Strategi Perbankan Pasca Pengakhiran Kerjasama Dengan IMF
T. Murwaji
Jurnal Ilmu Hukum Litigasi Volume 4 Nomor 3 Oktober 2003, Unpad
Jurnal Ilmu Hukum Litigasi Volume 4 Nomor 3 Oktober 2003
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Banking strategies after the termination of cooperation between Indonesia and IMF can be grouped into two periods, namely: short-term (1-2 year foward) and medium-term (3-5 year foward). The short-term strategy includes : recovery of banking function as an intermediary institution so it is capable of developing real sectors, resolution of Financial Service Authority problems, implementation of risk management, risk-based supervision, implementation of Anti-Money Laundry, improvement of good governance of banking sector and implementation of financial stability function system. The medium-term strategy includes : to realize a banking that is effective and capable of supporting national economy, to implement Indonesia’s Banking Architecture, to develop syari’ah banking, to create effective financial stability infrastructure system, and to adopt best practices.
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