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Strategi Pendekatan Ketersediaan Daging Nasional Di Indonesia

Strategi Pendekatan Ketersediaan Daging Nasional Di Indonesia
Rochadi Tawaf, Hasni Arief
Unpad,Seminar Nasional : Peternakan Berkelanjutan III Fakultas Peternakan Universitas Padjadjaran, Jatinangor, 2 Nopember 2011
Unpad,Seminar Nasional : Peternakan Berkelanjutan III Fakultas Peternakan Universitas Padjadjaran, Jatinangor, 2 Nopember 2011
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This paper is the result of a national study on the availability of beef in order to realize the Self-Sufficiency Beef Program 2014. This study aims to determine: 1) the conditions of supply (domestic production and imports of beef and live feeder cattle) and demand (beef consumption), 2) the distribution of cattle from production centers to the center of the consumer; and 3) the factors that affect the availability of these. Based on the results of data collection cattle and buffalo undertaken in June of 2011 by the Central Bureau of Statistics show that the amount of 14.8 million head of beef cattle, dairy cattle 597.1 thousand heads and 1.3 million head of buffalo. According to Blue Print Beef Self-Sufficiency Program in 2014 that the conditions for beef self-sufficiency will be achieved if the total population of 14.2 million head of cattle with the ability of domestic production and imports amounting to 90-95% of 5-10%. However, based on the results of the analysis conducted shows that domestic production has only reached 61.88% (Blue Print pessimistic at 50.8%) and imported cattle and meat 18.75% 19.37%. Accordingly, the results of data collection data cattle and buffalo from Central Bureau of Statistic at this time, not yet in condition beef self-sufficiency. This study also showed that the availability of beef is largely determined at three critical points, namely: at the level of supply (farmers), logistics (Slaughter House), and distribution (the importation of beef and offal). Influence the availability of beef in the level of supply in West Java are determined by the price of beef 38.8%, 25.56% of demand, imports amounting to 18.83% of the feeder cattle, and feed at 15.93%, while exports and the number of farmers had no effect.