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Pengaruh Iontoforesis NaF 2% Dan KCl Terhadap Kadar MMP-8 Pada Gingival Crevicular Fluid (GCF) Dentin Hipersensitif Kelompok Usia Dewasa

Pengaruh Iontoforesis NaF 2% Dan KCl Terhadap Kadar MMP-8 Pada Gingival Crevicular Fluid (GCF) Dentin Hipersensitif Kelompok Usia Dewasa
Sri Tjahajawati, Ani Melani Maskoen, H.D. Adhita
Unpad, Jurnal Bionatura Vol. 14 No. 1. Maret 2012 ISSN 14110903
Unpad, Jurnal Bionatura Vol. 14 No. 1. Maret 2012 ISSN 14110903
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Dentin hipersensitif merupakan masalah utama dalam bidang kedokteran gigi. Atrisi, abrasi, clinical occlusal adjustment, fraktur mahkota, resesi gusi, restorasi iatrogenik, trauma ortodontik, dapat menjadi penyebab dentin hipersensitif. Pada umumnya lebih dari 90% area hipersensitif adalah terbukanya dentin di daerah akar gigi, biasanya di permukaan bukal gigi. Maksud penelitian adalah untuk mengukur pengaruh perawatan iontoforesis dengan NaF 2% dan KCl pada dentin hipersensitif. Tujuan penelitian adalah untuk memperoleh efektivitas iontoforesis NaF 2% dan KCl terhadap nilai ambang nyeri dan kadar matrix metalloproteinase (MMP-8). Penelitian eksperimental dilakukan dengan cara mengukur nilai ambang nyeri gigi menggunakan vitalytester dan mengambil cairan gusi (GCF) menggunakan paper point sebelum dan sesudah iontoforesis pada gigi yang mengalami resesi gusi yang diamati selama 2 minggu. Sampel penelitian dibagi dalam beberapa kelompok perlakuan yaitu dilakukan iontoforesis dengan NaF 2%, KCl 2%, KCl 3%, KCl 3,5%, KCl 4%. Rancangan analisis untuk ambang nyeri dan kadar MMP-8 sebelum dan sesudah iontoforesis dengan paired T-test dan analysis of varians. Untuk mengetahui pengaruh berbagai konsentrasi bahan terhadap nilai ambang nyeri dan MMP-8 yang dipengaruhi oleh waktu digunakan mulivariate of analysis. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa konsentrasi larutan, waktu, nilai ambang rangsang dan kadar MMP-8 berkaitan. Ion kalium dalam larutan desensitasi lebih efektif dalam mengatasi dentin hipersensitif.

Hypersensitive dentin is one of the main problems in dentistry. Attrition, abrasion, clinical occlusal adjustment, crown fracture, gums recession, iatrogenic restoration, and orthodontic trauma may be the causes of hypersensitive dentin. In general, more than 90 percent of the hypersensitive area is the opening of dentin in dental root area, usually on the surface of dental buccal. The purpose of this research was to measure the influence of iontophoresis care with NaF 2% and KCl on hypersensitive dentin. The goal of this research was to determine the effectiveness of iontophoresis NaF 2% and KCl on the threshold value of pain and the content of matrix metalloproteinase (MMP-8). An experimental research was conducted by measuring the threshold value of dental pain by using vitalytester and taking gums fluid (GCF) by using paper point both before and after iontophoresis on the teeth that suffer gums recession observed for 2 weeks. The research sample was divided into some treatment groups, that is, iontophoresis by NaF 2%, KCl2%, KCl3%, KCl3.5%, and KCL4% were conducted. The analytical design for the pain threshold and the content of MMP-8 before and after iontophoresis was by paired T-test and analysis of variants. To determine the influence of various concentrations of materials on the threshold of pain and MMP-8 influenced by time, multivariate of analysis was used. The findings of research showed that solution concentration, time, threshold value, and the content of MMP-8 were interrelated. Potassium ion in a desensitized solution was effective in overcoming hypersensitive dentin.

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