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Model Hubungan Dental Belief Orang Tua Dengan Terbentuknya Dental Fear Anak Pra-sekolah Di Kota Bandung

Model Hubungan Dental Belief Orang Tua Dengan Terbentuknya Dental Fear Anak Pra-sekolah Di Kota Bandung
Arlette Suzy Puspa Pertiwi, Lenny Kendhawati, Hendriati Agustiani
Bahasa Indonesia, Bahasa Inggris
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Pengaruh perilaku serta belief orang tua sangat kuat pada anak usia pra-sekolah. Orang tua, terutama ibu yang mengalami dental fear memiliki dampak signifikan terhadap perilaku serta rasa takut anak. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis model dental belief orang tua sebagai sumber terbentuknya dental fear pada anak usia pra-sekolah. Penelitian dilaksanakan di 15 Taman Kanak-kanak Kota Bandung yang dipilih secara multistage cluster random sampling. Partisipan dalam penelitian ini adalah orang tua beserta anak berusia 3-6 tahun. Metode menggunakan sequential mixed method dengan strategi sequential explanatory. Tahap pertama penelitian ini adalah menganalisis data kuantitatif menilai bentuk model hubungan dental belief orang tua dengan terbentuknya dental fear pada anak. Dental belief orang tua diukur dengan menggunakan Dental Belief Scale, dan dental fear anak diukur melalui Children Fear Survey Schedule-Dental Subscale versi Bahasa Indonesia berdasarkan laporan orang tua. Hasil penelitian dianalisis dengan analisis model SEM. Kemudian tahap kedua, menganalisis data kualitatif perilaku orang tua yang berkontribusi dalam terbentuknya dental fear pada anak melalui wawancara focus group pada anak. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan model struktural efek langsung hubungan dental belief orang tua dengan terbentuknya dental fear pada anak di Kota Bandung yang fit secara signifikan (T-value 2,41). Beberapa perilaku orang tua berkontribusi dalam membentuk dental fear anak usia pra-sekolah yang mengikuti jalur pemberian informasi negatif, pengkondisian langsung, dan vicarious learning. Kesimpulan penelitian adalah persepsi dan perilaku orang tua memiliki hubungan dengan terbentuknya dental fear pada anak pra-sekolah. Perilaku lebih berkontribusi terhadap terbentuknya dental fear pada anak pra-sekolah.

The influence of parental behavior and belief is very strong in the pre-school age children. Parents, especially mothers who suffered dental fear have a significant impact on children’s behavior and fear. This study aims to analyze the models of dental belief of parents as a source of the development of dental fear pre-school aged in children. The study was conducted in 15 kindergartens in Bandung, which are selected by a multistage cluster random sampling. Participants in this study were parents and their 3-6 years aged children. The research method for this study was sequential mixed method with sequential explanatory strategy. The first stage of this research was to analyze quantitative data on how was the model form of parental dental belief in relationship with the development of dental fear in pre-school aged children. Dental belief of parents was measured using a Dental Belief Scale, and dental fear of children was measured through the Children Dental Fear Survey Schedule-subscale Indonesian version based on parent report. Results were analyzed with SEM model analysis. Then the second stage of this study was analyze qualitative data on how was the behavior of the parents that contribute to the development of dental fear in pre-school aged children through focus group interviews with children. Qualitative data were analyzed through inductive open coding. The results show the direct effect of the structural relationship model of parental dental belief with the formation of dental fear in pre-school age children in Bandung that fit significantly (T-value of 2.41). Both models measure the construct of variables in it also fit, valid, and significant. Some behaviors of parents contribute in the development of dental fear of pre-school age children that follow the path of negative information provision, conditioning direct and vicarious learning. Conclusion of the study is the perception and behaviors of parents have a relationship with the formation of dental fear in pre-school children. Behaviors further more contribute to the development of dental fear in pre-school children..

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