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Pengetahuan, Sikap, Dan Praktik Kewaspadaan Universal Perawat Terhadap Penularan HIV/AIDS

Pengetahuan, Sikap, Dan Praktik Kewaspadaan Universal Perawat Terhadap Penularan HIV/AIDS
Kusman Ibrahim, Wiwi Mardiah, Ayu Prawesti Priambodo
Universitas Padjadjaran, Jurnal Ners Vol. 9 No. 1 April 2014 ISSN 1858-3598
Bahasa Inggris
Universitas Padjadjaran, Jurnal Ners Vol. 9 No. 1 April 2014 ISSN 1858-3598
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using proposionate stratified random sampling. The instrument was KAP (Knowledge Attitudes Practices) questionnaire consisted of demographic data form, knowledge, attitude, and self-reported practices regarding universal precaution. The collected data, then were analyzed both descriptively and inferentially by using pearson product moment correlation. Results: The majority of respondents reported experience of sharp injuries. More than a half of respondents had a good knowledge level about universal precaution and HIV/AIDS transmission, and showed favorable attitude toward caring for HIV/AIDS patients. There was significant correlation between knowledge and practice (r=0,271 p=< 0, 01), whereas no correlation between knowledge and attitude score, and attitude and practice score. Discussion: It is need to be taken immediately to prevent and minimize the occurrence of sharp injuries among nurses in order to assure safety working condition to improve the productivity of nursing service. Updating knowledge, developing positive attitude, and continuing evaluation should be done simultaneously to improve the nurses’ competence in preventing the occupational related-disease.

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