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Concept Family In Russian Paremia: Linguocultural Aspect

Concept Family In Russian Paremia: Linguocultural Aspect
Ani Rachmat
Universitas Padjadjaran, Saint-petersburg State University Dissertasion On graduand of Ph.D, Supervisor: N.E Iakimenko, Ph.D
Bahasa Indonesia, Bahasa Inggris
Universitas Padjadjaran, Saint-petersburg State University Dissertasion On graduand of Ph.D, Supervisor: N.E Iakimenko, Ph.D
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This dissertation analyzes the lingua-cultural aspect of the Russian paroemia with the concept of family compared to the Indonesian language. The analysis compares the symbols, values, cultural attitudes expressed in the paroemia of the Russian and Indonesian languages. Russian and Indonesian concept of family have, as important typological, similarities and differences. The presence of difference signs in the encyclopedic and interpretative field indicate the manifestation of national specificities determined by historical, geographical , social and cultural characteristics of the two nations.

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