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The Use Of Traditional Media In Effort To Smartfren Rural Communities In The District Of Rancakalong, Sumedang

The Use Of Traditional Media In Effort To Smartfren Rural Communities In The District Of Rancakalong, Sumedang
Rully Khairul Anwar, Dadang Sugiana, Agus Rusmana, Evi Novianti
Universitas Padjadjaran, International Seminar On Social Studies And History Education
Bahasa Inggris
Universitas Padjadjaran, International Seminar On Social Studies And History Education
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This research is reasoned by the fact that the most people in Indonesia depend on agriculture. In the meantime, the people sometimes still face difficulty in gathering information, particularly the information of that is development needed by farmers to .improve the quality and quantity of agricultural products. However, in the midst of the information age, there is still an area that is not or has not been touched by information from 7-the outside. Such areas are often referred to as “blank area”. In the era of regional autonomy, the use of development information media from government to rural people becomes very important. Urgency of this research is finding the types of traditional media being used in an effort to educate rural communities in Sub Rancakalong Sumedang District. The method used in this research is descriptive method with qualitative’ approach. The results show that the traditional media are used to transfer local knowledge and regeneration, can be used as formal communication media. However, the media is less adapted to modern information forms and only includes supporting tools such as loudspeakers used in some certain events.

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