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Debirokratisasi Dan Deregulasi Dalam Sistem Perizinan Di Indonesia

Debirokratisasi Dan Deregulasi Dalam Sistem Perizinan Di Indonesia
Zainal Muttaqin
Universitas Padjadjaran, Jurnal Padjadjaran Jurnal limu Hukum Jurnal Padjadjaran Jilid xxx No. 1 - April 2005, ISSN 0216-8227
Bahasa Indonesia, Bahasa Inggris
Universitas Padjadjaran, Jurnal Padjadjaran Jurnal limu Hukum Jurnal Padjadjaran Jilid xxx No. 1 - April 2005, ISSN 0216-8227
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License as a form of government’s authority which aims to control, protect, arrange, select, and prevent danger from certain activities has a crucial role in planning and implementing national development process, especially in the environmental sector which embraces, among others, the availability and sustainability of natural resources, tourism, industry, commerce, health, and banking. Alongside with economic development and district autonomy, licensing needs more particular attention. This article discusses the need of licensing deregulation in the form of Law Review both in central and district government to support development program and improve services to the society.

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