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Notary Education In Indonesia: Experience Of Padjadjaran University

Notary Education In Indonesia: Experience Of Padjadjaran University
Dr. Zainal Muttaqin, S.H, M.H., Dr Hernadi Affandi, S.H., LL.M., Dr. Hj. Sonny Dewi Judiasih, S.H.,M.H., CN
Universitas Padjadjaran, Notarial Education In The Netherlands - Indonesia Universiteit Leiden April 2015
Bahasa Inggris
Universitas Padjadjaran, Notarial Education In The Netherlands - Indonesia Universiteit Leiden April 2015

Historically, notary education in Indonesia has longstanding which began issuing Reglement op het Notansamht in Nederlands Indie (Notary Regulation in Indonesia, NRI) Stb. 1860 No. 3. In Chapter II of the regulation set of requirements to be appointed as a notary and on the procedure of appointment. Article 13 verse (4) stated that one of the requirements to be appointed as a notary was “already passed the exam or exams … or has reached a candidate notary degree at the Faculty of Law in Jakarta”. Although the article did not explicitly regulate the educational requirements to become a notary, the article to be considered as the basis for prospective notary education at that time. As a consequence of these provisions, there were two ways of education for prospective notaries, through independent study which ended by state-examinations or education through the Faculty of Law. Therefore, a notary candidate at the time it was not required to follow certain formal education but was released in mastering the material to be tested. For example, the notary candidates can attend courses held by experts or study by themselves. The most important thing was a candidate should be ready in time to take the exams are available for those who want to become a notary. Thus, to become a notary was not required special education requirements along concerned can follow and pass the exam held to it. Since that time, especially for notary candidates who did not have the educational law background required pass the state exam organized by the Ministry of Justice of the Netherlands. At the beginning, a notary education merely in the course form geared to the needs in preparation for the examination organized by the Ministry of Justice of the Netherlands. In the course was taught and prepared the knowledge and skills needed in the work of notaries. Meanwhile, a test for prospective notary consists of three (3) or section level, among other exams the Civil Code and Civil Procedure, Law of Commerce, Law of Fiscal, including Stamp Duty Regulations, Auction Law and Customary Law.

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