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Toksisitas Sedimen Sungai Citarum Terhadap Larva Hydrophsyche Sp.

Toksisitas Sedimen Sungai Citarum Terhadap Larva Hydrophsyche Sp.
Sunardi, Dita Kartika Ariyanti
Universitas Padjadjaran, Jurnal Biotika Vol. 7 No. 2, Desember 2009 hal. 108-117
Bahasa Indonesia, Bahasa Inggris
Universitas Padjadjaran, Jurnal Biotika Vol. 7 No. 2, Desember 2009 hal. 108-117
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Acute toxicity test of sediment sampled from Citarum River has been conducted on Hydrophsyche larvae. Samples were collected from three sites in the upper area encompassing the headwater at Mount Wayang to the river mouth at Lake Saguling. The sampling sites were located at Tarumajaya, Wangisagara, and Rancamanyar reach. The physicochemical characteristics of the sediment, including heavy metals, were also measured. The acute toxicity test resulted that the sediment has values of LC50 as high as >100%, 8,99% and 0,95% for Tarumajawaya, Wangisagara, and Rancamanyar samples respectively. The finding showed that the sediment collected from the downstream parts of the river course has higher toxicity to test organisms. Additionally, the sediment quality degraded as the reach position increased along the stream order. The sediment toxicity correlates positively to sediment quality; the sediment becomes more toxic as the sediment quality decrease.

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