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The Relations Of Students Ability To Read Throught The Good Reading Method With Their Ability To Answer The Multiplechoice Questions (Hubungan Kemampuan Baca Mahasiswa Melalui Metode Good Reading Dengan Kemampuan Menjawab Soal Multiplechoice)

The Relations Of Students Ability To Read Throught The Good Reading Method With Their Ability To Answer The Multiplechoice Questions (Hubungan Kemampuan Baca Mahasiswa Melalui Metode Good Reading Dengan Kemampuan Menjawab Soal Multiplechoice)
Prijana, Sukaesih
Universitas Padjadjaran, Edu Lib Tahun 6, Volume 6 No. 2 Nopember 2016 , P-ISSN : 2089-6549 E-ISSN : 2582-2182
Bahasa Indonesia, Bahasa Inggris
Universitas Padjadjaran, Edu Lib Tahun 6, Volume 6 No. 2 Nopember 2016 , P-ISSN : 2089-6549 E-ISSN : 2582-2182
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Nilai akademik sering dikaitkan dengan upaya belajar. Upaya belajar sering dikaitkan dengan aktivitas baca. Seseorang dikatakan belajar, maka dipastikan membaca. Tujuan membaca adalah sama, yakni memahami teks, yang berbeda adalah kemampuan memahami teks. Mahasiswa memiliki cara membaca teks yang berbeda-beda, dan hasilnya juga berbeda-beda. Rekayasa baca penting dilakukan untuk memperoleh hasil optimal, yakni melalui metode baca good reading. Tujuan penelitian: menguji metode baca good reading yang dikaitkan dengan kemampuan menjawab soal multiplechoice. Metode penelitian: kelompok eksperimen (N=34) dan kelompok kontrol (N=40). Hasil penelitian: Jika a = 0.10 ; dk = 4 maka kemampuan menjawab soal multiplechoice memiliki hubungan signifikan dengan kemampuan membaca, melalui metode baca good reading. Kesimpulan: dengan derajat kepercayaan 90% metode baca good reading dapat membantu secara optimal kemampuan baca mahasiswa.

Academic values often associated with learning efforts. Efforts to learn is often associated with the activity of reading. Someone said to learn, then certainly reading. The purpose of reading is the same, namely to understand the text, that is different is the ability to understand the text. Students have to read different texts, and the results are also different. Read engineering is important to obtain optimum results, through the method of reading good reading. Objective: to test methods of reading good reading that is associated with the ability to answer the questions multiplechoice. Methods: experimental group (N = 34) and control group (N = 40). Result: If a = 0:10; dk = 4. The ability to answer questions multiplechoice has a significant relationship with the ability to read, through the method of reading good reading. Conclusion: with a 90% confidence level, the method of reading good reading, can help optimally student reading skills.

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