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Local Wisdom Based For Knowledge Conservation Of Manuscripts In Kampung Pulo Garut

Local Wisdom Based For Knowledge Conservation Of Manuscripts In Kampung Pulo Garut
Herika Rainathami, Agung Budiono, Sukaesih
Universitas Padjadjaran, Proceeding 10th Biennial Convention Of The Pacific And Asian Communication Association (PACA) 2014 Universitas Padjadjaran June 24-25, 2014, ISBN : 978-602-7060-35-7
Bahasa Inggris
Universitas Padjadjaran, Proceeding 10th Biennial Convention Of The Pacific And Asian Communication Association (PACA) 2014 Universitas Padjadjaran June 24-25, 2014, ISBN : 978-602-7060-35-7
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Local knowledge is an understanding values of life that are attached in the form of religion, culture and customs. In the development, society try to adapt to its enivronemnt to understand the concept of knowledge or wisdom in the form of ideas, tools, combined with customary norms, cultural values, for managing activities between the environments as a place to meet their needs. The concept of adaptation patterns in community transmitted from generation to generation into the guidelines in preserving manuscripts that are controlled and owned by the community in Kampung Pulo Garut. This study aims to find out about damage precautions to manuscript collections owned by the community of Kampung Pulo, based on local knowledge and understanding of the people in carrying out preservation activities. It will be done by answering five components of manuscript preservation activities by the community, which are: to know the purpose of documenting manuscripts by local people, doing background research of why documentation is conducted, community understanding of preservation, the value of the documentation, and the connection between documenting with the efforts to preserve cultural values contained in the manuscript. This study uses qualitative descpriptive methode. Data was collected through three methods: literature review, interviews and observations. The observations will be carried out in addition to understanding the cultural context also to look at the technical aspects, namely the storage temperature and humidity, the implementation of culturally appropriate care is adopted, then the existence of the manuscripts can be maintained and prevented from damage. The value of the manuscript is not only informative, historical and educative, but more likely to its cultural nuanced.

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