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Domestic Housewives Information Accessibility About The Benefits Of Family Medicinal Plants A Case Study In Karang Anyar Village, Leuwigoong District Of Garut

Domestic Housewives Information Accessibility About The Benefits Of Family Medicinal Plants A Case Study In Karang Anyar Village, Leuwigoong District Of Garut
Sukaesih, Ninis Agustini Damayani, Encang Saepudin, Rully Khairul Anwar
Universitas Padjadjaran, Proceeding 10th Biennial Convention Of The Pacific And Asian Communication Association (PACA) 2014 Universitas Padjadjaran June 24-25, 2014, ISBN : 978-602-7060-35-7
Bahasa Inggris
Universitas Padjadjaran, Proceeding 10th Biennial Convention Of The Pacific And Asian Communication Association (PACA) 2014 Universitas Padjadjaran June 24-25, 2014, ISBN : 978-602-7060-35-7
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Medicinal plants are one of natural resources that have existed since a very long time used by our ancestors in an effort to overcome health issues by creating the various formulas from medicinal plants. Therefore, the utilization of medicinal plants (TOGA) needs to be developed and disseminated in the community, especially for the housewives. The housewives have instrumental role in health matters, so if a family member were ill, they are the first person to prevent health problems. Along with the important role of the housewives in maintaining family’s health, then the housewives need to have the knowledge and skills to find out information, how to search information needed and use of media/source of information on medicinal plants. The purposes of this study are to describe the information accessibility by one’s media ownership, source of information, type / form of information, frequency, how to search, and how long it takes to search. Housewive is as the unit of analysis in this study. A sample was taken from the population whom possess radio and television as information media Karang Anyar village, Leuwigoong District of Garut . The method used is descriptive analysis. Data were collected by questionnaire. The results of this study showed that the community generally owns a radio besides television. While the source of information used is informal resource through verbal communication as in discussing about medicinal plants with the neighbors. Therefore housewives information accessibility about medicinal plants helps keeping the family’s health because being healthy is the most important thing in daily basis activities.

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