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Cultural Rights Based Approach

Cultural Rights Based Approach
Miranda Risang Ayu, SH, LLM
Universitas Padjadjaran, Jurnal Paham Vo. 1 Desember 2006, ISSN 1907-8269
Bahasa Inggris
Universitas Padjadjaran, Jurnal Paham Vo. 1 Desember 2006, ISSN 1907-8269

Rights Based Approach is a relatively new approach in social science. In international law context, it has been introduced since 1970 in the framework of special aim to promote a new international economic order based on sovereign equality, interdependence, mutual interest and co-operation among all States and to encourage the observance and realization of human rights as mentioned in Article 3(3) of the Declaration on the Rights of Development 1986. Because of the strong link with the rights of Development, Rights Based Approach is also popularly known as the Human Rights-Based Approach for Development, in which the right to development is meant as the the right to have a future”.

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