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Demographic Survey Of Menarche And Menopause At Industrial Area Of Majalaya And Cijerah

Demographic Survey Of Menarche And Menopause At Industrial Area Of Majalaya And Cijerah
Tita Husnitawati Madjid, Achmad Biben, Mochamad Harmi Harun
Universitas Padjadjaran, American Journal of Research Communication Volume 3 (4) Apr 1, 2015, ISSN: 2325-4076, www.usa-journals.com
Bahasa Inggris
Universitas Padjadjaran, American Journal of Research Communication Volume 3 (4) Apr 1, 2015, ISSN: 2325-4076, www.usa-journals.com
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Menopause is a natural phenomenon every woman experiences at a certain age. Clinically, the onset of menarche and menopause is an important indicator of chronic illnesses risks such as heart disease, stroke, and osteoporosis that will affect the quality of a woman’s life besides mortality. Demographic and industrial pollution factors affect the onset of menopause besides menstruation, menarche onset, reproductive, family and genetic, and lifestyle history, and others not yet revealed. Age range for menopause is quite wide from 40-60 years. In developed countries, average menopause age is 51 yo, whereas in developing countries it is between 44-46 yo. Indonesia is one of the countries with high pollution rates, where Bandung and other areas surrounding it is densely populated and industrialized. This research aimed to obtain data of the age of menarche and menopause onset at industrial areas. The research was conducted at Cijerah Village, Bandung Kulon Subdistrict and Padamulya Village, Majalaya Subdistrict. The design used in this research was cross-sectional, descriptive, analytic. The method applied was a survey towards 100 woman aged ranging from menarche until menopause. The expected result was to obtain data of menarche and menopause onset age at industrial areas. There was significant association between menopause onset and the distance of the house to the factory, and each respondents’s menarche or menopause onset with birth mother.

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