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Gambaran Pelayanan Terintegrasi dan Komprehensif pada Balita Bawah Garis Merah di Puskesmas Soreang (Illustration of Integrated and Comprehensive Health Services for Under Five Years Children with Below Red Line at Puskesmas Soreang)

Gambaran Pelayanan Terintegrasi dan Komprehensif pada Balita Bawah Garis Merah di Puskesmas Soreang (Illustration of Integrated and Comprehensive Health Services for Under Five Years Children with Below Red Line at Puskesmas Soreang)
Lisbeth Maria Laurentia, Elsa Pudji Setiawati, Dadang Hudaya Somasetia, Dany Hilmanto
Universitas Padjadjaran, Jurnal Sistem Kesehatan (Journal of Health System) Volume 2 Nomor 4 Juni Tahun 2017, pISSN : 2460-8831; eISSN : 2460-819X; https://doi.org/10.24198/jsk.v2i4.12493
Bahasa Indonesia, Bahasa Inggris
Universitas Padjadjaran, Jurnal Sistem Kesehatan (Journal of Health System) Volume 2 Nomor 4 Juni Tahun 2017, pISSN : 2460-8831; eISSN : 2460-819X; https://doi.org/10.24198/jsk.v2i4.12493
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Pelayanan balita Bawah Garis Merah (BGM) seharusnya diberikan secara terintegrasi dan komprehensif supaya mencegah terjadinya gizi kurang/buruk berulang maupun penyakit infeksi pada anak. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengeksplorasi gambaran pelayanan terintegrasi dan komprehensif berdasarkan standar Kementerian Kesehatan Republik Indonesia serta faktor yang memengaruhi pelayanan. Penelitian kualitatif: pelayanan terintegrasi dan komprehensif balita BGM berdasarkan standar Kementerian Kesehatan Republik Indonesia, dilakukan mulai dari September sampai November 2016 di rumah responden, posyandu/polindes dan Puskesmas Soreang. Data diambil dari 18 responden (ibu balita BGM, kader, bidan, petugas gizi, dokter dan Kepala Puskesmas Soreang) dengan metode purposive sampling. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan wawancara mendalam. Validasi data menggunakan teknik triangulasi data. Pelayanan terintegrasi dan komprehensif balita BGM di Puskesmas Soreang terdiri dari pelayanan promotif dan preventif. Pelayanan promotif berupa edukasi makanan dan kesehatan anak. Pelayanan preventif berupa pemberitahuan berat badan anak kurang, edukasi pola makanan, penimbangan, rujukan ke petugas kesehatan dan pemberian makanan tambahan. Namun belum semua ibu balita BGM menerima penyuluhan balita BGM dan konseling nutrisi dengan jelas dari petugas gizi/dokter karena belum sepenuhnya dilakukan rujuk dari posyandu ke puskesmas. Pelayanan kuratif di Puskesmas Soreang untuk balita BGM seperti dalam Bagan Tatalaksana Anak Gizi Buruk Kementerian Kesehatan Republik Indonesia Tahun 2011 belum berjalan.

Under five years children with below red line (BRL) have to be treated with integrated and comprehensive health services in order to prevent mild to severe malnutrition repeatedly or infection disease on children. The aim of the study is to explore the illustration of integrated and comprehensive based on Indonesian Health Ministry’s standard with the factors that affect health service. A qualitative study: integrated and comprehensive health services for under five years children with BRL based on Indonesian Health Ministry’s standard, was performed from September to November 2016 at respondent’s house, posyandu/polindes, Puskesmas Soreang. Data were collected from eighteen respondents (under five years children with BRL’s mothers, cadres, midwifes, nutritionist, physician and Head of Puskesmas Soreang) with purposive sampling method and did by in-depth interview. The validation is using data triangulation method. Integrated and comprehensive health services for under five years children with BRL in Puskesmas Soreang consist of promotive and preventive. The promotive service consists of food supplementation and child health education. The preventive service consists of information about underweight, food pattern education, body weight measurement, referral to health provider and supplementary feeding implementation. But, under five years children with BRL’s mothers have not been received information of below red line of growth chart and nutrition counseling well from nutritionist/physician yet because the service is still done at the level posyandu/polindes and refferals from posyandu to puskesmas has not been done completely. Curative service has not been done yet in the Puskesmas Soreang based on Indonesian Health Ministry’s standard.

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