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Surgical Malpractice Lawyers

Surgical Malpractice Lawyers
Rully Hanafi Dahlan
Universitas Padjadjaran, International Conference On Complications In Neurisurgery March 03-05, 2017 held at Hotel Taj Lands End Mumbai
Bahasa Inggris
Universitas Padjadjaran, International Conference On Complications In Neurisurgery March 03-05, 2017 held at Hotel Taj Lands End Mumbai

One should keep in mind that some terms in surgical practice have different meaning and when it is defined wrong, the misunderstanding could lead to any litigation. That terms are complications, medical or surgical risk, medical or surgical errors, failure, mistakes, negligence, and surgical malpractices.• Complication : in medicine, is an unfavorable evolution of a disease.• Medical risk : The risk of an adverse outcome of a diagnostic or therapeutic procedure.• Medical errors : Any failure to implement a planned action as intended.• Failure : Patients that doesn’t response to medical (surgical) intervention.• Mistakes : An act, omission or error in judgement by a healthcare provider that has or may have serious consequences for a patient. Negligence: action that not do that should do or do that shouldn’t do. The surgical malpractice lawyers are the special lawyers team that possess both medical knowledge and law knowledge to understand and find any negligence in medical/surgical practice.

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