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Identifikasi Negara Negara Yang Memiliki Kemiripan Dengan Indonesia Dalam Konteks Krisis Beras Menggunakan Multidimensional Scaling

Identifikasi Negara Negara Yang Memiliki Kemiripan Dengan Indonesia Dalam Konteks Krisis Beras Menggunakan Multidimensional Scaling
Titi Purwandari, Yuyun Hidayat
Universitas Padjadjaran, Prosiding Seminar Nasional Matematika Statistika 25-26 Februari 2016, ISBN 978-602-19877-4-2
Bahasa Indonesia, Bahasa Inggris
Universitas Padjadjaran, Prosiding Seminar Nasional Matematika Statistika 25-26 Februari 2016, ISBN 978-602-19877-4-2
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The Global Rice Crisis occurred between January and May 2008 with trading prices tripling from November 2007 to late April 2008. Rice is critical to the diet of about half the world’s population, so the rapid increase in global rice prices in late 2007 and early 2008 had a detrimental impact in Asia (included Indonesia) and Africa, where 90 percent of global rice consumption occurs. The purpose of this study was to obtain a countries population having similarities with Indonesia based on three characteristics namely the democratic atmosphere, the rice consumption and restlessness in rice context. Using the method of Multidimensional Scaling are obtained number of countries that have similarities with Indonesia based on the three variables. Context of this study is to assess the rice crisis indicators at national level. Therefore, the research results will become inputs in the process of testing the strength of an indicator in detecting the presence of the rice crisis.

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