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Tourism and the Welfare of Pangandaran People

Tourism and the Welfare of Pangandaran People
Universitas Padjadjaran, Review of Integrative Business and Economics Research, Vol. 7, Supplementary Issue 1 2018, GMP Press and Printing (https://buscompress.com/journal-home.html, ISSN: 2304-1013 (Online); 2304-1269 (CDROM); 2414-6722 (Print)

Bahasa Inggris
Universitas Padjadjaran, Review of Integrative Business and Economics Research, Vol. 7, Supplementary Issue 1 2018, GMP Press and Printing (https://buscompress.com/journal-home.html, ISSN: 2304-1013 (Online); 2304-1269 (CDROM); 2414-6722 (Print)
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Pangandaran, which is in the south end of Banjar City and included in the newly established Pangandaran District, and is a well-known tourism destination in West Java, Indonesia. Pangandaran has a considerable amount of marine resources, including beautiful beaches, which have become an asset and source of local income from the tourism sector. However, this industry is not the primary source of livelihood of the Pangandarn people. Therefore, the local government of this town needs to design an improved strategy to enhance the income of the residents from the tourism sector.

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