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Culture Of Daphnia Sp. (Crustacean – Cladocera): The Effect Of Manure Variation On The Growth, Natality, And Mortality

Culture Of Daphnia Sp. (Crustacean – Cladocera): The Effect Of Manure Variation On The Growth, Natality, And Mortality
H Herman, Y Andriani, A Sahidin, T Hidayat, T Herawat
Universitas Padjadjaran, ASEAN-FEN INTERNATIONAL FISHERIES SYMPOSIUM – 2017, IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 137 (2018) 012018, doi :10.1088/1755-1315/137/1/012018
Bahasa Inggris
Universitas Padjadjaran, ASEAN-FEN INTERNATIONAL FISHERIES SYMPOSIUM – 2017, IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 137 (2018) 012018, doi :10.1088/1755-1315/137/1/012018

The objective of this research was to analyze the growth rate, reproduction rate, and mortality rate of Daphnia sp. which cultured in variant organic manure. This research used experimental method Randomized Completely Block Design (RCBD) with four treatment and three replications. The treatments in this research were the variant manures from chicken, quail, goat, and cow with same of growth (2,4 g/l). Daphnia cultured with using 100 breeders since from neonets (0 day) until growth up and died in one life cycle. At the 3-days, culture of Daphnia sp was give peak population with maximum age of culture using quail manure is 7 days, and other treatments are 8 days . The growth rate and the reproduction rate of using quail manure was higher than using chicken manure, goat manure, and cow manure (mean GR = 3.68 : 2.32 : 2.74 : 2.97; mean RR = 3.87 : 2.59 : 3.00 : 3.31; p < 0,05). Although all the breeders of Daphnia sp. died at 8th day of culture, quail manure give the lowest of mortality rate than using chicken manure, goat manure, and cow manure (mean MR = 0.19 : 0.28 : 0.26 : 0.34).

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