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The Effectiveness Comparison of Class VI Internal Chemical Indicator Strip with Rapid Readout Biological Indicator in Wet Heat Sterilization

The Effectiveness Comparison of Class VI Internal Chemical Indicator Strip with Rapid Readout Biological Indicator in Wet Heat Sterilization
Kurniawansyah I S, Sopyan I, Budiman A.
Universitas Padjadjaran, Journal Of Pharmceutical Sciences And Research Vol. 9(8), 2017, 1293-1299, ISSN:0975-1459, www.jpsr.pharmainfo.in
Bahasa Inggris
Universitas Padjadjaran, Journal Of Pharmceutical Sciences And Research Vol. 9(8), 2017, 1293-1299, ISSN:0975-1459, www.jpsr.pharmainfo.in
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Objective: The objective of this study was to find out the effectiveness of the class VI internal chemical indicator strip in comparison with the effectiveness of the 3M attest 1292 rapid readout biological indicators.Methods: The laboratory experiment was done by proceeding stages of the research including formulation of the sodium chloride 0.9 % infusion, an application of both class VI internal chemical indicator strip and rapid readout biological indicator in the wet heat sterilization process and evaluation of the sodium chloride 0.9 % infusion which included sterility testing. The timing of sterilization used was 5, 7, 9, 10.5, 12, 13.5 and 15 min. The data were analyzed by means of descriptive statistics. Results: The class VI internal chemical indicator strip indicated color changes after 12 min of sterilization and the rapid readout biological indicator showed no color changes after 7 min of sterilization. The sterility test on the sodium chloride 0.9 % infusion had no microbial growth starting from sterilization time 10.5 min onwards. Conclusion: The class VI internal chemical indicator strip was more accurate as compared to the rapid readout biological indicator. The sterility level shown by the class VI internal chemical indicator strip was more effective compared to sterility level of rapid readout biological indicator.

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