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Catfish (Clarias gariepinus) Fry Growth at Reduced Feeding Level in the Biofloc Culture System in Bandung Regency, Indonesia

Catfish (Clarias gariepinus) Fry Growth at Reduced Feeding Level in the Biofloc Culture System in Bandung Regency, Indonesia
Dr.Rita Rostika, Dr.Yayat Dhahiyat, Muhamad Muzni, SPi
Universitas Padjadjaran, GlobalIlluminators Full Paper Proceeding MTAR-2014, Vol . 1, 197- 202, ISBN: 978-969-9948-22-0, Available online at www.globalilluminators.org
Bahasa Inggris
Universitas Padjadjaran, GlobalIlluminators Full Paper Proceeding MTAR-2014, Vol . 1, 197- 202, ISBN: 978-969-9948-22-0, Available online at www.globalilluminators.org
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The aim of the research was to observe catfish (Clarias gariepinus) growth at reduced feeding level in the biofloc culture system. Feed residues and metabolites from catfish farms contain toxic ammonia that can affect water quality and organism growth. However, the existing organisms involved in the biofloc system can change ammonia into a non-toxic nitrite. Biofloc can also be used as catfish feed.The research was carried out at the hatchery Fish Breeding Centers Ciparay Bandung Regency from April 2014 until June 2014. The research employed the Completely Randomized Design (CRD) design of experiment, which involved six different feeding level reduction treatments, each of which having a different amount of feed but the same amount of biofloc. The research administered the following treat ments: (A) 0% feeding level reduction (positive control), (B) 5% feeding level reduction, (C) 10% feeding level reduction, (D) 15% feeding level redu ction, (E) 20 % feeding level reduction, (F) 25% feeding level reduction. Each treatment was repeated three times.The parameter observed was Average Daily Gain (gram/day). Treat ments A through F yielded the following results respectively: 0.32; 0.30; 0.29; 0.26; 0,29 and 0.30. Statistically, the results indicated no significant difference. In other words, reduction of feeding level for catfish fry had no effect on Average Daily Gain, and a 25% reduction even yielded the highest result. The water quality parameters observed, namely temperature, pH level, and dissolved oxygen (DO), indicated optimum figures for catfish fry rearing.

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