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Environmental Communication Based on Local Wisdom in Anticipation of Citarum Flood

Environmental Communication Based on Local Wisdom in Anticipation of Citarum Flood
Iriana Bakti, Hanny Hafiar, Heru Rianto Budiana
Universitas Padjadjaran, MIMBAR, Vol. 33, No. 1st (June. 2017) pp 208-216, Print ISSN : 0215-8175: Online ISSN 2303-2499
Bahasa Inggris
Universitas Padjadjaran, MIMBAR, Vol. 33, No. 1st (June. 2017) pp 208-216, Print ISSN : 0215-8175: Online ISSN 2303-2499
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Management of watersheds becomes part of a government program. This was conducted to anticipate the floods that hit the settlement. But the program is hard to do without the active role of the community, therefore the communication activities were undertaken based on local wisdom. The purpose of this paper is to find out about the environmental communication based on local wisdom in the Citarum Watershed. The method used is in the form of interviews and participant observation. As for the results obtained are: local wisdom is utilized by the environment actuator in the Citarum watershed management in the form of the proverb, rituals, and the environment preservation. Local wisdom by the environment actuator is meant as a way in, and domain in conducting environmental communication. In addition, local wisdom considered by the environment actuator as the ethic to be met in interacts with the target communities. Implementation of environmental communication activities with local wisdom based on the Citarum is done through a personal approach to some of the social and religious figures by using the communication channels of the group in the forum -the farmers group, majelis ta’lim, and community empowerment, which proceeds in a dialogical way to reach mutual agreement based on mutual trust among the participants of the environmental communication

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