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Pudarnya Nilai Demokrasi: Hilangnya “Ruh” Eksistensi Desa Sebagai Dampak Transformasi Desa Menjadi Kelurahan

Pudarnya Nilai Demokrasi: Hilangnya “Ruh” Eksistensi Desa Sebagai Dampak Transformasi Desa Menjadi Kelurahan
Iyep Saefulrahman
Universitas Padjadjaran
Bahasa Indonesia, Bahasa Inggris
Universitas Padjadjaran
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The transformation of village into a urban village isn’t a simple issue. Many consequences that must be accepted. The main thing is the village would lose its autonomy as a fundamental characteris for ite existence. When autonomy was lost, the one aspect that will also change is democracy. Democracy that exists and grows in the village will fade. It is characterized by decreasing of public participation in policy formulation and disenfranchised in selecting its leader. Surely there is no necessity for a village to transform, moreover if only to improve the quality of public service. Rather than deprive of autonomy, increasing capacity of village woulb be a fair and wise of policy choice.

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