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The Analysis of Content Marketing in Online Fashion Shops in Indonesia

The Analysis of Content Marketing in Online Fashion Shops in Indonesia
Arianis Chan, Dwi Astari
Universitas Padjadjaran, Review of Integrative Business and Economics Research, Vol. 6, no. 2, pp.225-233, April 2017, https://buscompress.com/uploads/3/4/9/8/34980536/riber6-2_15h16-109_225-233.pdf
Bahasa Inggris
Universitas Padjadjaran, Review of Integrative Business and Economics Research, Vol. 6, no. 2, pp.225-233, April 2017, https://buscompress.com/uploads/3/4/9/8/34980536/riber6-2_15h16-109_225-233.pdf

The trend of content marketing application is currently growing in Indonesia. It is a means of creating and distributing contents which are relevant and related to a brand so that audience will be interested in the brand. This study aims at investigating the implementation of content marketing of online fashion shops in Indonesia by analyzing the online shops through the dimensions of content marketing. The researcher uses the descriptive method with a qualitative approach. Through the qualitative research method, the researcher intends to elaborate how content market is implemented in Indonesia’s online fashion shops. The data collection technique used is observation, semi-structured interview, company’s document review, and triangulation. The data source in this research is attained from primary informants and supporting informants. Referring to the research’s finding and discussion, it can be concluded that the implementation of the content market in the online fashion stores has been deemed good since the shops have implement all dimensions of content marketing namely contents, customer engagement, and goals. These dimensions are implemented as a unity. The implementation starts with the most considered content and is modified to be by the value and character of an online shop. Then, it is preceded by the process of investigating what the consumers want and how to satisfy costumers’ needs. Finally,what follows is how the online shop can fulfill the objective of content marketing namely brand awareness, customer attraction, and brand loyalty.
