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Top Down – Bottom Up Planning Sebagai Alternatif Perencanaan Strategis Pembangunan Daerah Hinterland Secara Partisipatif (Kasus Studi Desa Cipelah Kecamatan Ciwidey Kabupaten Bandung)

Top Down – Bottom Up Planning Sebagai Alternatif Perencanaan Strategis Pembangunan Daerah Hinterland Secara Partisipatif (Kasus Studi Desa Cipelah Kecamatan Ciwidey Kabupaten Bandung)
Muhammad Amir Solihin, SP., MT.
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Otonomy and decentraization in Indonesia brings regional development up to new paradigm. Participatory planning method with mixed of top down and bottom up approach give up more participation of stakeholders. Aspiration and others information of stakeholders receive by interview, questionare, and public hearing for confirm and take concencus of regional development plan and sharing of act. Cipelah as study location instead hinterland of Bandung city. Weaks and threat of that region could be solve by their streangth and opportunity. Based on problem tree analysis, grand scenario for Cipelah is “Empower of community to achive local economic development“. These strategies as follows: open added activity by local economic potensial activity, enhance horticulture production, enhance horticulture product marketing, enhance paddy yield, enhance accessibility, enhance human resources quality, and enhance rural institution act.

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