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Peningkatan Pemasaran Susu Kedelai

Peningkatan Pemasaran Susu Kedelai
Dini Rochdiani, Hesty Nurul Utami
Faperta Unpad
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Susu kedelai sebagai alternatif pilihan pemenuhan kebutuhan susu bagi masyarakat sebagai pengganti susu sapi belum tersosialisasi dengan baik. Pabrik Susu Kedelai Kadungora dalam pengembangan usahanya melakukan strategi integrasi ke depan dan strategi penetrasi pasar. Strategi tersebut dapat dilakukan dengan cara mempertahankan kualitas produk dan tingkat harga, memperbaiki sistem kerja sama dengan agen distributor, mengangkat tenaga penjual dalam perusahaan, mengorganisasi tugas dan wewenang staf manajemen perusahaan lebih spesifik dan segera mendapatkan investor baru. Selain itu, perusahaan perlu melakukan strategi perbaikan manajemen organisasi perusahaan terutama yang berkaitan dengan jalinan kerja dengan investor atau menggunakan jasa perbankan untuk menyelesaikan masalah keuangan yang berdampak negatif pada sistem pemasaran produk.

Soy milk as one of the alternative choice to fulfill Indonesian people milk necessity to replace dairy milk has not been socialized well nowadays. The firm Susu Kedelai Kadungora is to develop the business to do forward integration strategy and product penetration strategy. That strategies can to do is the way to maintain the quality of their product and also maintain the product price rate, reform cooperation system with agent as product distributor, restructure the personal selling activity in retail, organize job description and job authority of staff management specifically and find new investor.Besides that, the firm need reformation the organization management strategy particularly concerning investor relationship or try the banking service to solve the financial problem which gives a negative impact in the product marketing system.</Soy milk as one of the alternative choice to fulfill Indonesian people milk necessity to replace dairy milk has not been socialized well nowadays. The firm Susu Kedelai Kadungora is to develop the business to do forward integration strategy and product penetration strategy. That strategies can to do is the way to maintain the quality of their product and also maintain the product price rate, reform cooperation system with agent as product distributor, restructure the personal selling activity in retail, organize job description and job authority of staff management specifically and find new investor.Besides that, the firm need reformation the organization management strategy particularly concerning investor relationship or try the banking service to solve the financial problem which gives a negative impact in the product marketing system.

Untuk informasi lebih lanjut dapat menghubungi : http://www.lppm.unpad.ac.id