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Uji Keefektifan Feromon Seks

Uji Keefektifan Feromon Seks
Agus Susanto
Faperta Unpad
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Respon serangga jantan penggerek umbi kentang, Phthorimaea operculella Zell. strain Bandung terhadap beberapa formulasi feromon seks sintetik dan ekstrak feromon seks betina telah diuji di laboratorium dan di lapangan. Uji laboratorium menunjukkan bahwa ngengat jantan P. operculella memberikan respon positif terhadap semua senyawa uji meskipun formulasi campuran feromon seks
menghasilkan daya tarik yang lebih tinggi dibandingkan formulasi secara tunggal. Campuran (E,Z)-4,7- tridecadien-1-yl asetat (PTM1) dan (E,Z,Z)-4,7,10- tridecatrien-1-yl-asetat (PTM2) dengan perbandingan 1 : 1 menunjukkan hasil yang paling baik untuk tangkapan di lapangan, sama dengan feromon sintetik produksi CIP peru.

Responses of the male potato tuber moth, Phthorimaea operculella Zell. strain Bandung to different formulations of the synthetic sex pheromone and female crude extract were evaluated in laboratory and field. The laboratory test showed that the male potato tuber moth gave positive response to all pheromones tested, although mixture formulations gave higher captures than single formulation. In the field trial formed out that the mixture of (E,Z)-4,7- tridecadien-1-yl acetate (PTM1) and (E,Z,Z)-4,7,10-tridecatrien-1-yl-acetate (PTM2) with the ratio of (1 : 1) gave the highest number of males caught. The result showed no significant difference with the synthetic pheromone obtained from Center International Potato (CIP, Peru).

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