Arsip Chloramphenicol

Antibacterial Effectiveness of Chloramphenicol Ophthalmic Hydrogel Against Pseudomonas Aeruginosa ATCC 9027 and Streptococcus Pyogenes ATCC 19615

Sterile ophthalmic hydrogel is the development of conventional eye products ...

Formulation of Chloramphenicol In situ Ophthalmic Gels Using Different Matrix Combinations

In situ ophthalmic gel is solution which form a gel ...

Formulation of Chloramphenicol In situ Ophthalmic Gels Using Different Matrix Combinations

In situ ophthalmic gel is solution which form a gel ...

Profil Permeasi In Vitro Gel Mata Kloramfenikol pada Membran Kornea Mata Kelinci dengan Metode Sel Difusi Franz

Gel mata merupakan pengembangan dari sediaan mata konvensional yang sudah ...