Arsip local wisdom

Kearifan Lokal ‘Orang Pulo’ Dalam Tradisi Ngaplus Imah

The tradition of ngaplus imah of Pulo people has been ...

Utilization Of Sundanese Proverb “Leuweung Kaian, Lamping Awian, Legok Caian, Tegalan Sawahan, Hambalan Kebonan” In Education Environment At Citarum Hulu Watershed

This study entitled Use of Proverb Sunda in Environmental Education ...

Komunikasi Agama dalam Iklan Ramadan 2017 Versi PT Djarum

Isu kebangsaan yang melanda Indonesia pada akhir-akhir ini Lelah memberikan ...

Environmental Communication Based on Local Wisdom in Anticipation of Citarum Flood

Management of watersheds becomes part of a government program. This ...

Waduk Jatigede: microfinance, rich and poor, poverty and local wisdom

Development is a necessity that brings many benefits to the ...

Local Wisdom Based For Knowledge Conservation Of Manuscripts In Kampung Pulo Garut

Local knowledge is an understanding values of life that are ...

Peribahasa Sunda sebagai Sumber Kearifan Lokal

Peribahasa (saying, maxim) merupakan kalimat atau penggalan kalimat yang telah ...