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Pengaruh Pemberian Bantuan Tambahan Modal Usahatani Melalui Program Pengembangan Usaha Agribisnis Perdesaan (Puap) Terhadap Peningkatan Pendapatan Usahatani (Sebuah Studi Kasus Di Kabupaten Purwakarta)

Pengaruh Pemberian Bantuan Tambahan Modal Usahatani Melalui Program Pengembangan Usaha Agribisnis Perdesaan (Puap) Terhadap Peningkatan Pendapatan Usahatani (Sebuah Studi Kasus Di Kabupaten Purwakarta)
Didit Suyadi, Sutyastie S. Remi, Bagdja Muljarijadi
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This study aimed to determine the effect of the implementation of the Rural Agribusiness Development Program (PUAP) on farm income in the District of Purwakarta. This study used regression models of log – lin were estimated using Ordinary Least Square method (OLS) to see the effect of the implementation of the Rural Agribusiness Development Program (PUAP) on farm income in the District of Purwakarta. These results indicate that administration of additional capital through the provision of farm BLM-PUAP despite a significant influence on the increase farm income, but the effect is very small.

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