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Pengaruh Investasi Pemerintah, Tenaga Kerja, Dan Desentralisasi Fiskal Terhadap Pertumbuhan Ekonomi Kabupaten Di Indonesia Tahun 2007 – 2010

Pengaruh Investasi Pemerintah, Tenaga Kerja, Dan Desentralisasi Fiskal Terhadap Pertumbuhan Ekonomi Kabupaten Di Indonesia Tahun 2007 – 2010
Mohammad. Rizal Mubaroq ,Prof. Dr. Hj. Sutyastie S. Remi, SE., MS ,Dr. Ir. Bagdja Muljarijadi, S.E.,M.S
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The purpose of this study was to analyze the factors that influence economic growth is the most commonly used indicator to measure the success of development in the region by using data unbalanced panel of districts in Indonesia. The research is based on the Solow economic growth model that uses two main production factors of capital and labor which are expanded by Samuelson and Nordhaus by adding other factors such as natural resources. The technology element is assumed fixed.Variables in the study are Economic Growth as dependent variable with Government Investment, Employment  and Fiscal Decentralization as independent variables. Data obtained from the Central Bureau of Statistics and Ministry of Finance time series in 2007 – 2010. The analysis method used was Ordinary Least Square (OLS) with Fixed Effect Model and White Cross section as the standard error correction procedure.The results showed that the positive effect of government investment 0.035% for every 1% increase in capital expenditure ratio to nominal GDP, Employment  positive 0.004% for every increase of 1000 people labor, and Fiscal Decentralization positively 0.069% for each percent increase in the ratio of PAD against the Revenue. The three variables are significant at ? = 1% level.