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Penataan Label Koleksi Masterpiece Di Museum Negeri Provinsi Bengkulu
Dedi Irawan
informasi, label koleksi, masterpice
Tesis ini berjudul Penataan Label Koleksi Masterpiece di Museum Negeri Provinsi Bengkulu. Penataan label koleksi yang akan dibahas pada penelitian ini adalah menganalisis penataan letak, bentuk, ukuran serta isi label yang informatif, pada koleksi masterpiece maupun koleksi di ruang pameran tetap museum. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mendeskripsikan penataan label koleksi di ruang pameran tetap, dan merumuskan konsep rancangan koleksi masterpiece yang ideal, serta merekomendasikan konsep penataan label koleksi masterpiece yang informatif pada ruang pameran tetap di Museum. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode kualitatif. Metode kualitatif ditujukan untuk meneliti objek secara alamiah melalui teknik pengumpulan data berupa observasi, wawancara, dokumentasi, dan studi pustaka. Data tersebut dikumpulkan menjadi data primer dan data sekunder dan disajikan dalam bentuk deskriptif analisis. Kesimpulan dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa penataan letak, bentuk, ukuran serta isi label yang informatif pada koleksi masterpiece maupun koleksi di ruang pameran tetap Museum Negeri Provinsi Bengkulu belum optimal sehingga tujuan museum dalam memberikan informasi tentang keberadaan koleksi kepada pengunjung belum efektif. Melalui kajian pada penelitian ini diharapkan dapat berguna bagi museum dalam penataan label koleksi masterpiece maupun koleksi di ruang pameran tetap di museum.
This thesis is titled The Arrangement of Masterpiece Collection Labels in the State Museum of Bengkulu. The study will analyze the arrangement of setting, shape, size and informative label contents, both in masterpiece collection and those in the museum’s permanent exhibition space. The purpose of this study is to describe the arrangement of collection label in the permanent exhibition space, and to formulate an ideal design concept for masterpiece collection, as well as to recommend an informative arrangement concept for the collection in the museum’s permanent exhibition space. The method adopted in this study is the qualitative method. This method aims to study object naturally with data collection technique through observation, interview, documentation, and literary study. The data are collected as primary and secondary data, and presented in analysis descriptive form. The results show that the arrangement of setting, shape, size and informative label content both in the masterpiece collection and those in the permanent exhibition space in the State Museum of Bengkulu is not optimal that the museum’s goal to provide information on the collection to the visitors is not effective as well. It is expected that this study will be constructive for the museum in arranging their masterpiece collection labels and those in the permanent exhibition space.
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