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Dental Management In Children With Autism

Dental Management In Children With Autism
Willyanti Soewondo Syarif
Prosiding Pdaa Bali 2012 , Unpad
Prosiding Pdaa Bali 2012 , Unpad
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Introduction. Autism is a common neurological disorders that manifests before 3 years of age. There are disorders in communication, social interaction and behavior; caused by multifactorial. The purpose of this Study. The purpose of this paper is to regognize dental management in children with autism. Discussion. Dental treatment in children with autism depend on the severity of cases, and could be accomplished just merely conventional approach/ non farmacological approach and with farmacological approach, up to general anesthesia. Conclusion. Dental treatment in autism children could be done depends on the severity of cases conventional and farmacological approach.

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