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Empowerment Of Small Holder Farmers Business “garut Sheep” In West Java

Empowerment Of Small Holder Farmers Business “garut Sheep” In West Java
Rochadi Tawaf, Denie Heriyadi, Asep Anang, Munandar Sulaeman, Rachmat Hidayat
Unpad, International conference on sustainable agriculture and food security ; Challenges and Opportunities Universitas Padjadjaran Bandung 27-28 september 2011
Unpad, International conference on sustainable agriculture and food security ; Challenges and Opportunities Universitas Padjadjaran Bandung 27-28 september 2011

West Java in 2010 had a sheep population of about 6.2 million heads, consisting of local sheep and garut sheep as the original sheep. Local sheep that developed in West Java, also known as priangan sheep which is a cross breed between a local sheep, Texel and Merino sheep. The origins of the development of sheep are believed to originate from Garut regency, that is from Cibuluh, Cikandang, and Cikeris villages in Cikajang District and Wanaradja District. This belief has long grown among the sheep farmer in Garut regency, especially the farmers in Cikajang and Wanaraja District. Most the sheep farmer in the two districts is believed that the Sheep are a source of genetic resources genuine sheep of Garut Regency. The sheep with characteristic have a combination of ear rumpung (rudimentary ear) or ngadaun hiris (like a leaf of bush tree “hiris” a small triangular) with tail ngabuntut beurit or ngabuntut bagong (thin tail like a tail of rat or tail of wild boar) an original sheep and not a cross breed sheep. (Heriyadi and Surya, 2004; Heriyadi, 2011). Sulaeman (2008) that the garut sheep, as the agile type is kept by the farmers as a pleasure or a hobby. To demonstrate efficacy in sheep farming, farmer do the ram fighting contests, accompanied by traditional music and pencak silat (traditional dance). Based on the supporting of carrying capacity, social and economic development, West Java has potential as a region of Garut sheep in Indonesia. In order to empower business of garut sheep farmers in West Java, farmers organizations need to be developed intensively as a Breeder Association, intensive research on the genetic quality of Garut sheep, conducting education to consumers and governments need to set up the source of central breeding development.

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