Prospect for Indonesia’s Foreign Policy in the Reformation Era
era reformasi., foreign policy, Government, pemerintahan, politik luar negeri, reformation era
This essay focuses on the prospect for Indonesian foreign policy in the Reformation Era. Projection especially discusses about the real-politic of domestic setting, broader public participation in the foreign policy-making, mass media, public Opinion and foreign policy, institutional coordination.
Concerning the implementation of regional autonomy in Indonesia, the Foreign Office’s share in the administrative dealings of the government to abroad is reduced. This, in turn, increases the need for coordination within the bureaucracy and compels the government to subordinate these multifaceted foreign relations to the objectives set by politics and legitimised by parliament if it is to conduct policies which are as consistent as possible and serve Indonesian interests as a whole. The dramatically increasing external activities of ministries not traditionally associated with foreign policy make such coordination more necessary than before.
Finally, this essay discusses change and challenges faced by the Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono governments and its successors in the future. At least there are four types of government (Stable Democracy, Unstable Democracy, Stable Authoritarian, and Unstable Authoritarian) and each foreign policy implication.
Tulisan ini memusatkan perhatian pada prospek bagi politik luar negeri Indonesia di Era Reformasi. Proyeksi khususnya membahas kondisi realpolitik domestic, keterlibatan publik yang makin luas dalam pembuatan kebijakan luar negeri, mass media, opini public dan kebijakan luar negeri, kooordinasi kelembagaan.
Berkenaan dengan dilaksanakannya otonomi daerah di Indonesia, kantor kementerian luar negeri berbagi peran administrative dengan lembaga lain. Hal ini memelukan koordinasi dengan semua tingkatan birokrasi dalam pemerintahan untuk mencapai tujuan yang sudah ditetapkan dan dilegitimasi oleh parlemen demi kepentingan nasional Indonesia.
Akhirnya, tulisan ini membahas perubahan dan tantangan yang dihadapi oleh Susilo Bambang YudhoyonoSusilo Bambang Yudhoyono serta pemerintahan Indonesia selanjutnya di masa depan. Tulisan ini menyimpulkan bahwa paling tidak ada empat tipe pemerintahan (Demokratik Stabil, Demokratik Tidak Stabil, Otoriter Stabil, dan Otoriter Tidak Stabil) beserta implikasi politik luar negerinya.