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Kajian Terhadap Penerapan Jampersal Di Puskesmas Rumpin Kabupaten Bogor (Sumbangsih Dalam Penerapan Jaminan Kesehatan Nasional)

Kajian Terhadap Penerapan Jampersal Di Puskesmas Rumpin Kabupaten Bogor (Sumbangsih Dalam Penerapan Jaminan Kesehatan Nasional)
Dewi Kurniati, Hidayat Wijayanegara, Farid Husin
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Jampersal adalah jaminan persalinan, bagi ibu hamil yang tidak memiliki jaminan kesehatan (Jamkesmas, Jamkesda, Askeskin). Mereka berhak untuk mendapatkan pelayanan kebidanan komprehensif tanpa memandang status ekonomi maupun sosial budaya. Cakupan persalinan oleh tenaga kesehatan di Indonesia masih dibawah target nasional, termasuk di Puskesmas Kecamatan Rumpin persalinan oleh dukun masih 30,5% (tahun 2011) dan persalinan dengan Jampersal baru mencapai 57%. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk menganalisis hubungan antara faktor program, kepatuhan bidan dan keragaman kelompok sasaran dengan keikutsertaan ibu dalam program Jampersal. Penelitian dengan rancangan case controldilakukan terhadap 266 ibu bersalin pada periode Oktober – Desember 2012. Sampel dibagi atas dua kelompok yaitu. 133 kelompok kasus (ibu bersalin bukan peserta Jampersal) dan 133 kelompok kontrol (ibu bersalin peserta Jampersal). Analisis data menggunakan uji chi square dan uji regresi logistik ganda dengan tingkat kemaknaan (p0,05). Faktor dominan yang berhubungan dengan keikutsertaan ibu dalam Jampersal berdasarkan analisis multivariabel adalah budaya (OR=13,904 ;95%CI= 6,359-30,40). Simpulan, sosialisasi program, sumber daya, kepatuhan bidan, pengetahuan dan budaya menunjukkan yang tidak mendukung tidak akan memilih persalinan dengan Jampersal. Jika budaya yang tidak mendukung dapat dihilangkan, maka 84% proporsi ibu akan memilih persalinan dengan Jampersal.

Jampersal is a guarantee for pregnant women who do not have health insurance such as jamkesmas,jamkesda, askeskin. They are entitled to get a comprehensive obstetric care regardless of economic status, social or cultural. Coverage deliveries by skilled health personnel in Indonesia is still below the expected targets, including in Rumpin district of Bogor Regency, delivery by traditional birth attendants in Rumpin was 30.5 % in 2011 and deliveries by Jampersal only at 57 %. The purpose of this study to analyze the associated of programs socialization, resources, compliance midwives, knowledge, education, culture with mother ‘s participation in Jampersal . This study is using analytical study with case control approach. This study was conducted on 266 women who was birthed in the period October to December 2013. Samples were divided into two groups, 133 subjects in the case group (non-participants Jampersal) and 133 subjects in the control group (Jampersal participants). Analysis by using chi square test and multiple logistic regression with significance value (p < 0.05 , and analysis of PAR (Population Attributable Risk ). The results showed bivariable analysis are significantly associated. There were programme socialization, resources, compliance midwife, knowledge, culture (p value0,05). Dominant factors which have associated by multivariable analysis were; culture (OR=13.904 , 95 % CI = 6.359- 30.40 ) . The conclusion is that socialization programs, resources, compliance midwives, knowledge, culture does not support will not choose Jampersal. Needs to be disseminated, increased resources and compliance midwives, cultural refinement and improvement of knowledge through education so that the public supports in Jampersal implementation. If the culture does not support be eliminated, so 84% the proportion of mothers will choose delivery by Jampersal

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