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Radiotherapy for pineal region tumor in 3 years old child (case report)

Radiotherapy for pineal region tumor in 3 years old child (case report)
Ginting Bair, Imron Akhmad, Wirjomartani Beny
Unpad, PIT PERSPEBSI, Bali, 20-24 November 2006
Unpad, PIT PERSPEBSI, Bali, 20-24 November 2006
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Objective: Management and long term follow up for pediatric patients with pineal region tumor in our service still need serious concern, because almost of patients had various problem, including poor education and socioeconomic. Methods: This case report review, 3 years old boy admitted to our department with early clinical symptoms was decrease of visual acuity with onset about 3 months, followed by decrease of conciousness. We performed head CT scan with contrast and found acute obstuctive hydrocephalus caused by big mass at pineal region extended to posterios fossa, not enhancement with contrast. Results: Immediately performed VP shunt, patient became alert again and visual acuity became better, from CSF cytology didn’t found any blast cell, later on we performed head MRI and results same with head CT scan. Our working diagnosis was pineal region tumor and decided to performed radiotherapy treatment about 30 times 18 cGray. After finished radiotherapy we performed head CT scan control, and found the mass reduced in size significantly. The side effect of radiotherapy was mild burn injury in head scalp and after 2 weeks follow up control he suffered para paresis. Conclusions: Radiotherapy in this patient resulted good outcome, even though he still got side effect for mild head skin burn and late para paresis. We still configured about this late paraparesis. Is this symptoms caused by side effect of radiotherapy, tumor seeding, or others? We still need more investigation and discuss the better management for this patient.

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