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Analisis Faktor Faktor Yang Memengaruhi Intensi Masyarakat Kota Cirebon Menjadi Peserta Mandiri Jaminan Kesehatan
Eti Dewi Mutiara Subari, Henni Djuhaeni, Guswan Wiwaha
attitude, health insurance, intensi, Intention, jaminan kesehatan, norma subyektif, perceived ability., persepsi kemampuan, Sikap, Subjective Norm
Jaminan kesehatan merupakan hal penting dalam pembiayaan kesehatan, namun di pihak lain, partisipasi masyarakat menjadi peserta jaminan kesehatan masih rendah. Di Kota Cirebon terdapat 66,4% penduduk yang jaminan kesehatannya dibiayai oleh pemerintah. Peningkatan kepesertaan mandiri diperlukan untuk mempercepat universal coverage sehingga dapat menghilangkan hambatan biaya kesehatan. Belum diketahui apakah sudah ada intensi pada masyarakat Kota Cirebon untuk kepesertaan mandiri. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui apakah sikap, norma subyektif dan persepsi kemampuan memengaruhi intensi menjadi peserta mandiri jaminan kesehatan pada masyarakat Kota Cirebon. Penelitian dilakukan dengan metode campuran (mixed methods) menggunakan desain sequential exploratory, dimulai dengan penelitian kualitatif berupa wawancara penggalian keyakinan mengenai jaminan kesehatan pada 30 responden dan dilanjutkan penelitian kuantitatif berupa survei menggunakan kuisioner pada 210 responden. Hasil yang diperoleh dalam penelitian kualitatif, diolah dan disesuaikan dengan teori yang paling mendekati, yaitu teori perilaku berencana dari Isaac Ajzen. Pembuatan kuisioner mengacu pada teori tersebut berdasarkan keyakinan yang tergali dalam wawancara. Data hasil penelitian kuantitatif dianalisis menggunakan Structural Equation Modelling (SEM). Penelitian dilakukan pada bulan Juli-Oktober 2014 di Kota Cirebon.Hasil penelitian kualitatif menunjukkan adanya atribut-atribut keyakinan terhadap jaminan kesehatan, di pihak lain, hasil penelitian kuantitatif menunjukkan bahwa sikap, norma subyektif dan persepsi kemampuan tidak berpengaruh secara signifikan terhadap intensi untuk menjadi peserta jaminan kesehatan mandiri pada masyarakat Kota Cirebon. Hasil yang tidak signifikan tersebut, bisa disebabkan karena adanya pengaruh background factor personal dan sosial, yang tidak ikut diteliti dalam penelitian ini. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian tersebut maka upaya peningkatan kepesertaan jaminan kesehatan di Kota Cirebon dapat dilakukan melalui pendekatan atribut-atribut keyakinan yang menggambarkan intensi kepesertaan untuk dijadikan dasar dalam mempromosikan jaminan kesehatan sehingga dapat menjadi daya ungkit peningkatan kepesertaan jaminan kesehatan.
Health insurance is an important thing in health financing, but the participation of the community in the health insurance is still low. In Cirebon municipality 66.4% of the population have health insurance which is financed by the government. Increasing independent participation is required to accelerate universal coverage so that it can eliminate problems in health care financing. It is not yet known whether there was the intention among Cirebon’s community to be independent insurance participants. This study aims to determine whether attitudes, subjective norms, and perceived ability influence the people of Cirebon’s intention of becoming independent participants in health insurance..
The study was conducted using mixed methods with sequential exploratory design, starting with a qualitative research in the form of interviews asking the participants’ beliefs about health insurance to 30 respondents and continued with a quantitative research in the form of a survey questionnaire to 210 respondents. The results obtained in the qualitative research were processed and adjusted to the closest theory, the theory of planned behavior by Isaac Ajzen. Questionnaire design refers to the theory based on the beliefs that were obtained in the interview. Data from quantitative research were analyzed using Structural Equation Modelling (SEM). The study was conducted from July to October 2014 in the city of Cirebon. Qualitative research results indicate attributes of beliefs in the health insurance, on the other hand, the results of quantitative research shows that attitude, subjective norms and perceived ability did not significantly affect the intention of the people of Cirebon to become independent participants in health insurance. These insignificant results could be due to the influence of personal background and social factors, which were not included in this research. Based on these results, the effort to increase the participation of the people in health insurance in Cirebon can be done through attributes of beliefs that describe people’s intention of participation, and it may be made as the basis for promoting health insurance that can be a leverage to increase the number of participants in health insurance.