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The Effect of Acid Hydrolysis on Degradation of Lignoselulosa Bond in Cassava Peel as Fish Feed

The Effect of Acid Hydrolysis on Degradation of Lignoselulosa Bond in Cassava Peel as Fish Feed
Yuli Andriani, Sukaya Sastrawibawa,Titin Herawati, In In Hanidah
Jurnal Masyarakat Akuakultur Indonesia
Jurnal Masyarakat Akuakultur Indonesia
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The experiment was done at Microbiology Laboratory Faculty Fishery and Marine Science Padjadjaran University. The objective of this experiment was to know the degradation of lignocelulose bound in cassava peel through the acid hydrolysis. The research is done by experimental methods, using Completely Random Design ; consisting of five treatments and three replications. Parameters measured were the ratio of type and amount of dilution, the reducing sugar concentration and DE (Dextrose equivalent), lignin, cellulose, and hemicelullosa content in hydrolysis product.Results of this experiment showed that : a) Type of dilution was water, with ratio 1 substrate : 5 water, b) The concentration acid 0.5% gave the highest reducing sugar concentration of hydrolysis product 2642 ppm and DE 4.8% , c) The lowest lignin, cellulose and hemicelullose content were gave from treatment with 0.75% acid treatment.

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