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DMF-T index in patients undergoing radiation therapy withLINAC X-ray radiation for head and neck cancerat Department of Radiotherapy, Dr. Hasan Sadikin Hospital

DMF-T index in patients undergoing radiation therapy withLINAC X-ray radiation for head and neck cancerat Department of Radiotherapy, Dr. Hasan Sadikin Hospital
Sabrina, Azhari, Dudi Aripin
Padjadjaran Journal of Dentistry
Padjadjaran Journal of Dentistry
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Radiation therapy for head and neck cancer frequently caused severe salivary gland dysfunction.The salivary gland dysfunction possibly decreased the protective function of saliva and caused dentalcaries. The purpose of this study was to obtain an Illustratioh about DMF-T Index in patient undergoingradiation therapy with UNACX-ray radiation for head and neck cancer at Department of Radiotherapy,Dr. HasanSadikin Hospital in January-February Z007.The study was a simple descriptive. The study wasconducted on 7 males and 9 females undergoing radiation therapy with UNACX·ray radiation for headand neck cancer. The ages of patient are between 37 years and n years. The severity of cartes wasmeasured by DMF-Tindex. DMF-TIndex in 16 patient undergoing radiation therapy with UNAC X-rayradiation for head and neck cancer at Dr. HasanSadlkin Hospital is 10.6 as the result of this study. Theconcluston of this study showed that the DMF-T index in 1.6patIent undergoing radiation therapy withUNACX-ray radiation for head and neck cancer at Dr.HasanSadikin Hospital had very high grade basedon WHOclassification, which the value was over 6.6.