The Effect Of Nitrogen Sources And Types Of Medium Subculture On Brassolaeliocattleya (Bic.) Amy Wakasugi Shoots Growth
Yayat Rochayat, Anne Nuraini, Mirna Oktavani
Universitas Padjadjaran, International Seminar on Horticulture to Support Food Security 2010 Bandar Lampung - Indonesia, June 22-23, 2010
Bahasa Inggris
Universitas Padjadjaran, International Seminar on Horticulture to Support Food Security 2010 Bandar Lampung - Indonesia, June 22-23, 2010
ammonium, Brassolaeliocattleya, nitrate, Subculture
The objectives of experiment were to obtain nitrogen sources and types of medium subcultures suitable for Blc. Amy Wakasugi shoots growth. The experiment was conducted in laboratory tissue culture Leaf Cycle (LC) Nursery, on Jalan Pelda Suryanta-Limusnunggal no. 121122 Cibeureum hilir, Sukabumi which lasted from August-November 2009. The experimental design was arranged in a Completely Randomized Design (CRD), which consists of 8 treatments consisted of pure VW medium, medium 50% VW, VW 50% + Gaviota mediuti-rand Gaviota medium where each medium was added nitrogen in different sources NH4NO3 and NH4(SO4)2. The results of the experiment showed that there were significant effect of the addition of nitrogen into the subculture media on the number of leaves (8th week after planting (wap), length of leaf (8th wap, 12th wap, 16th wap), and high of shoot (8th wap) but no effect on the number of leaves and high of shoots at the age of 12th wap and 16th wap. The addition of nitrogen also affected the number of shoots, length of root, dry weight of roots, dry weight of shoots and total dry weight but did not affect the number of roots. Medium subculture Went & Vacin 50% + Gaviota with NH4NO3 gave the best result on the number of leaves, height of shoots, length of roots, dry weight of shoots, dry weight of roots and total dry weight.