Dermatitis Atopik Yang Diterapi Dengan Narrow Band Ultraviolet B (Atopic Dermatitis Treated With Narrow Band Ultraviolet B)
Franky Chandra, Ahmad Herrada Yusmindar, Endang Sutedja, Hartati Purbo Dharmadji, Oki Suwarsa
Universitas Padjadjaran, Program Book & Abstract Role of Dermatovenerology in Environmental and Occupational Health Yogyakarta, October, 23-26, 2013 The Sahid Rich Jogja Hotel, 12th Asia-Pasific Environmental And Occupational Dermatology Symposium ( APEODS) in cunction with 13th Annual Scientific Meeting Of Indonesia Society Of Dermatology And Venereology (PIT-PERDOSKI), www.apeods-pit2013.com
Bahasa Indonesia, Bahasa Inggris
Universitas Padjadjaran, Program Book & Abstract Role of Dermatovenerology in Environmental and Occupational Health Yogyakarta, October, 23-26, 2013 The Sahid Rich Jogja Hotel, 12th Asia-Pasific Environmental And Occupational Dermatology Symposium ( APEODS) in cunction with 13th Annual Scientific Meeting Of Indonesia Society Of Dermatology And Venereology (PIT-PERDOSKI), www.apeods-pit2013.com
Atopic Dermatitis, Narrow Band Ultraviolet B, Scoring Atopic Dermatitis
Dilaporkan satu kasus pada seorang pria berusia 25 tahun yang telah menderita dermatitis atopik (DA) selama 18 tahun dan diterapi dengan narrow band ultraviolet B (NBUVB). Diagnosis DA ditegakkan berdasarkan klinis dan peningkatan IgE serum. Kelainan kulit pasien ini berupa makula eritema, papula eritema, krusta sanguinolenta, makula hiperpigmentasi, likenifikasi, dan skuama. Pada kasus ini, pasien diberikan terapi berupa sabun oilum, losion urea 10%, vaselin album, antihistamin sedatif, dan fototerapi dengan NBUVB, dengan interval dua kali setiap minggu. Fototerapi direncanakan selama 13 minggu, dengan dosis inisial 200 miliJoule yang ditingkatkan 10% setiap pertemuan. Efikasi fototerapi dinilai setiap minggu menggunakan penilaian scoring atopic dermatitis (SCORAD). NBUVB mengurangi nilai SCORAD pasien hingga pengamatan hari ke-41, namun pada pengamatan hari ke-51, DA kembali kambuh. Tidak terdapat perbaikan klinis hingga pengamatan hari ke-66, sehingga fototerapi dihentikan.
A case of 25-year-old male who suffered atopic dermatitis (AD) for 18 years and treated with narrow-band ultraviolet B (NBUVB) was reported. The diagnosis of AD was established clinically and also increased in serum IgE level. Patient presented with erythematous macules and papules, hemorrhagic crusts, hyperpigmented macules, lichenifications, and scales. The patient was given oilum bar soap, urea 10% lotion, vaseline album, sedative antihistamine, and phototherapy with NBUVB twice a week. Phototherapy was planned for 13 weeks, with initial dose 200 miliJoule and increased 10% in each meeting. Efficacy was assessed once a week using scoring atopic dermatitis (SCORAD). NBUVB reduced SCORAD patient until day 41st, but AD relapsed on day 51st. There is no clinical improvement until day 66th, and phototherapy was stopped.