Dr. Sintaningrum, M. D. Enjat Munajat, MTI
International Institute of Administrative Sciences
Dr. Sintaningrum, M. D. Enjat Munajat, MTI, International Institute of Administrative Sciences
Balance Scorecard, Health Ministry, Strategy Mapping, West Java
This research aims to map out policies and programs that had been implemented in achieving the Vision and Mission of West Java 2005-2025 ie ” Dengan Iman dan Taqwa, Provinsi Jawa Barat Termaju di Indonesia “. Based on existing achievements during 2007-2009 from West Java West Provincial Health Ministry found the HDI in 2008 was 71.12 , then in 2009 reached 71.64 , ( 2010 ) and 72.19 ( 2011 ) 72.73 and still lags about 7 points to reach 80 HDI as the leading province in Indonesia . This is ironic when seen from the real conditions. Based on the historical, education, health, and economic infrastructure in Indonesia, West Java has an excellent record. This clearly shows there is something happened in the development concept.
Based on reasons above, we were interested in examining and reviewing more about the achievements of the strategy and implementation of health policies are also programs and to produced a strategic model that is able to provide clear guidance in the field of health. The methods we have used is a Quasi- Experiment, which can identify existing models, and then reconstructed into a ideal model. The modeling stage using Strategy Maps, in this case the model adopted for research needs.
The resulting model is able to map the achievement of performance during the period 2007-2011. Based on the model, it appears that in terms of implementation of policies and programs for human resources, technical facilities were good enough. But in terms of the means of information, a paradigm shift, synergistic cooperation and some services do not get any good priority, so it tends to interfere with other achievements that should be mutually synergistic. Model that have been developed, hopefully be able to answer the needs of future policies and programs for decision makers.