Tablet Formulations of Herbal Extracts Mimosa pdica Linn with Direct Compression Method
Sri Adi Sumiwi, Kirthikaa Gopal Krishnan, Marline Abdassah
Universitas Padjadjaran, Presented in International Seminar Pharmaceutical Science and Technology, September 2014, Jatinangor Indonesia.
Bahasa Inggris
Universitas Padjadjaran, Presented in International Seminar Pharmaceutical Science and Technology, September 2014, Jatinangor Indonesia.
Direct copmpression, mimosa pudica, tablet
The research about tablet formulation and manufacturing technology from extract of Mimosa Pudica Linn by direct compression method has been carried out. The aim of this research was to obtain a well-criteria tablet as pharmaceutical dosages form. The formula contain of Mimosa Pudica Linn extract, VIVAPUR®PH102, Primogel, Talk, AEROSIL200 and Mg-stearat. Six formula were made based on different concentration of VIVAPUR®PH102 (81%, 82%, 83%, 84%, 85%,86%). The evaluation result of tablet showed all formulas have a well criteria tablet, and with the increasing of VIVAPUR®PH102, the friabillity was decreased and the disintegration rates was increased, Statistical analysis using One Way ANAVA and continued by Newman-Keulls showed six different concentration of VIVAPUR® PH102 gave a significant different effect on tabletdisintegration rates. VIVAPUR®PH102 86% gave the fastest disintegration rates( 4menitsand 40 second) and the best friability (0,12%). Thin Layer Chromotography (TLC) showwedthe same pattern (two spots) between extract and tablet, which means flavonoid contained inextract also contained in tablet.