Intermediary Function of Rural Financial Institutions In Supporting Agricultural Finance In West Java
Tuti Karyani, Ronnie S. Natawidjaja
Universitas Padjadjaran, Proceedings Triple Helix XI International Conference London, 8-10 July 2013 Bringing Businesses, Universities and Governments together to co-innovate and solve economic, social and technological challenges
Bahasa Inggris
Universitas Padjadjaran, Proceedings Triple Helix XI International Conference London, 8-10 July 2013 Bringing Businesses, Universities and Governments together to co-innovate and solve economic, social and technological challenges
Intermediary function, poverty, Sustainability
Nowadays there are various rural financial institutions (RFI), but unfortunately farmers and agribusiness SMEs still face lack of capital. In general, risk averse attitudes among RFIs upon agricultural and rural sectors were still dominant, so intermediary function of RFI was not running well. The research was conducted in West Java both at macro and micro level using panel regression analysis and the Structural Equation Model (SEM) respectively. The results at the macro level show that RFI intermediation function was affected by TPF, NPL and the SBI. Amount of credit disburse reduce poverty level, so that poverty in West Java was difficult to be reduced as long as intermediary role of RFI was not well functioned. On the micro level the intermediary function reflected on the quality of service which turns a positive effect on business performance and sustainability of farmers and agribusiness SMEs.