Petrography and Mineral Chemistry of Ore from the Kobetsuzawa Epithermal Gold-Silver Deposit, Southwestern Hokkaido, Japan
Euis T. Yuningsih, Takao Miura, Hiroharu Matsueda
Universitas Padjadjaran, Proceedings of the 1st Asia Africa Mineral Resources Conference 2011, Fukuoka, Japan
Bahasa Inggris
Universitas Padjadjaran, Proceedings of the 1st Asia Africa Mineral Resources Conference 2011, Fukuoka, Japan
Mineral Chemistry, petrography
The southwestern district of Hokkaido has produced a valuable amount of gold, silver, lead as well as zinc metals. This occupies an important portion of the mineral production in Japan. Most of the mines in this district have been closed during the past 30 to 50 years due to the exhaustion of ores including low grade Kobetsuzawa deposit. The Kobetsuzawa was had less than 1 ton gold and silver content with Ag/Au ratio 48.1 (Ishibashi, 1956). The geology of this district and some study on Kobetsuzawa deposit such as mineralogy, structural geology and metallogeny have been carried out by previous authors. Even though, the occurrence and association ore minerals in this deposit is still interesting to study since there are various kind of ore minerals. Which is it could be apply to study other deposit elsewhere.