Spatial Distribution Of Chlorophyll-a In Cirata Lake Using Remote Sensing
Syahras Fathin A, Sunardi, M.Si, Ph.D., Prihadi Santoso, Drs. MS.
Universitas Padjadjaran, BIOTIKA, Volume 13 No. 2 Desember 2015 ISSN 1412-4297
Bahasa Inggris
Universitas Padjadjaran, BIOTIKA, Volume 13 No. 2 Desember 2015 ISSN 1412-4297
Chlorophyll-a, Cirata Lake, Remote Sensing, spatial distribution
The research of spatial distribution chlorophyll-a in Cirata lake using remote sensing. The method used is secondary data collection, remote sensing, and statistical analysis. Remote sensing method comprising, Pansharpening, radiometric correction, interpretation and image extraction, and data presentation. Statistical analysis performed correlation and linear regression to get the mapping formula chlorophyll-a. Purpose of this study is to apply remote sensing method as a tool monitoring of the Cirata lake. The research objective is to obtain a model of remote sensing data with the data of chlorophyll-a.The results showed linear regression equation in the first quarter, Y= 13.982*(x)50.673 with r = -0.33, R2 = -0.007, and P-value = 0.39. Second quater, Y= 4.366*(x)+2.442, r = 0.33, R2 = -0.031, and P-value = 0.40. Third quater, Y= 7.394*(x)+9.393, r = 0.11, R2 = 0.29, and P-value = 0.79. Fourth quater, Y = 2.917*(x) + 8.324, r = 0.74, R2 = 0.70, and P-value = 0.022. Spatial distribution of chlorophyll-a in Cirata lake concentrated on central of the lake area marked darker colors or chlorophyll-a concentration = 10 mg/m3 with a clumped pattern. Intake area has clumped pattern dominated the light colors or chlorophyll-a concentration = 10 mg/m3 and inlet area has clumped pattern with a light color or chlorophyll-a concentration = 8 mg/m3.