Differences Of Hauling Time And Distance Placement Of Liftnet In Palabuhanratu Sukabumi, West Java, Indonesia
Izza M Apriliani, M Fahmi Ikmal, Indah Riyantini, Emma Rochima
Universitas Padjadjaran, Global Scientific Journal: Volume 6, Issue 4, April 2018, Online: ISSN 2320-9186, www.globalscientificjournal.com
Bahasa Inggris
Universitas Padjadjaran, Global Scientific Journal: Volume 6, Issue 4, April 2018, Online: ISSN 2320-9186, www.globalscientificjournal.com
Catch, distance., Hauling, Life Net, palabuhanratu
The water of Palabuhanratu known as the main base of catch fisheries in the South coast of West Java, Indonesia. Fishing tools in water of Palabuhanratu has a diversity of species and in general is still traditional and one of them is lift net. This research aims to determine the optimal hauling time and the distance placement of lift net to the weight and type of the catch. The method used experimental fishing with Completely Randomized Design (CRD) with three times hauling treatments, there are time hauling before midnight (H1) at 20.00-23.00 WIB, at midnight (H2) at 23.00-02.00 WIB and after midnight (H3) at 02.00-05.00 WIB real to the weight of the catch and the optimal hauling time is at midnight (H2) at 23.00-02.00 WIB and three repetitions. Conducted in August 2017 during a dark moon phase of six days. The data were collected using 2 units of lift net that were operated differently from the beach, there are near lift net 0.62 miles and far lift net 1.86 miles from the beach. Based on the result of the research, it can be concluded that the differences of hauling time of lift nets have significant effect on the weight of the catch and the optimal hauling time is at midnight (H2) at 23.00-02.00 WIB get the weight of the catch are 44.4 kg on far lift net and the weight of the catch are 40.3 kg on near lift net, but based on the F test analysis the differences of lift nets distance have not effect on the catch.